Thursday, July 7, 2011

"Clutter" in today's world

In your "Break Through the Clutter" Communication Seminar, you learn about the types of "clutter" that your message needs to break through in order to reach the people you need to reach. And, you get a sense of just how much clutter there is today and how quickly it is increasing.

Educators are finding that when they utilize digital communication devices in the classroom as the great learning tools they can be, those devices also bring a number of new distractions to students. The same is true with the people you need to communicate with. You used to have to compete with your audience daydreaming, sleeping, doing other work while you're talking, or doodling on a sheet of paper. Now, your audience could be surfing the web, texting, tweeting, looking at photos, watching a movie, or any number of other things instead of paying attention to you and your message.

That's why it is so important for you to frame your message in a way that makes it most effective. In order to get people to listen to or read your message, you need to make them WANT to listen to it or read it. And that's what you learn to do in your "Break Through the Clutter" Communication Seminar.

Call or E-mail today to schedule your own "Break Through the Clutter" Communication Seminar for your group or business, 913-631-2985, You'll be a hero for doing it.