Friday, October 15, 2010

Privacy? No.

In June, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled on whether an employer was reasonable to search employee text messages. Unanimously, the court ruled that the search in this case was reasonable. This was not an all-encompassing decision, but it is one that will serve as a precedent in the future.

What does this mean to you? If you wouldn't say it in public, don't say it in a text, E-mail, or voice-mail, either. The Electronic Communication and Privacy Act lets your boss go through your E-mail at work. As technology continues to develop into new methods of communicating, new legislation and litigation will be needed to sort out what can and can't be done by employers. But, you will do well with an overall philosophy of "when in doubt, leave it out".

In your "Break Through the Clutter" Communication Seminar you learn that a great way to think of an E-mail message is that it's like the back of a postcard - just about anyone CAN read it, and chances are someone, other than the person you sent it to, WILL.

Call or E-mail today to schedule your "Break Through the Clutter" Communication Seminar for your group or business, 913-631-2985, You'll be a hero for doing something that really helps people in today's world.