Friday, January 21, 2011

The times, they are a-changing

In your "Break Through the Clutter" communication seminar, you learn that putting the focus of your message on the other person is one of the keys to communicating effectively today. That involves many different things, including the method you use to deliver your message to your audience.

You may find yourself needing to change your ways of communicating, especially when trying to reach a younger audience. Writing, addressing, stamping and mailing a letter gave way to E-mail years ago. Now, E-mail is losing ground to Instant Messaging, texting, and social network web sites. Since November of '09, use of E-mail web sites has steadily declined. With teenagers, it has dropped dramatically. In some respects, E-mail has become the tool of "old" people - you know, like parents, teachers and bosses. Young people report that they have to regularly check their E-mail simply because it is used by people in authority.

As these young people age and go out into the workforce, your communication styles may need to change. You may need to adopt texting, tweeting, and IMs as your preferred method, depending on your intended audience. As you hear in your "Break Through the Clutter" communication seminar, "It is simple, but it isn't always easy."

Call or E-mail today to schedule your own "Break Through the Clutter" communication seminar for your group or business, 913-631-2985, You'll be a hero for doing it.

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